I know this has nothing to do with cooking, but Arizona is finally

The weathermen are so excited, it's almost funny to watch them. (m)

As a rule they don't have a whole lot to get excited about here in the "Valley of The Sun".
Even I was glad to see the rain. Believe it or not too much sunsine gets boring. Guess I still miss the changing seasons. Even the snow.LOL

We're having our winter all in one weekend! I made a beef, barley (thanks Marg/CDN)...

and bean stew, homemade biscuits and roasted baby Dutch potatoes with a little green salad in honor of the weather!

The desert is a stange and beautiful place.


And, we can look forward to "team coverage" of the rain on the news tonight...

...including innumerable video shots of falling rain illuminated by street lamps.

It's a big deal here when the wet stuff decides to show up. We do it up right!



I lived in Scottsdale for 2 years and my then 4 y/o would stand outside in the rain and thank God for it! So sweet. I understand your joy of rain.
