I know, yet another pizza dough recipe. But I was stunned at how easy this worked


We have basic cable at home, meaning we receive 11 channels, none of which are very good. But one day I found a PBS channel and Joanne Weir was making pizzas. I watched, I notated, I went into the kitchen afterward and there I whipped up 6 balls of dough like nobody's business.

We ate pizza for two days.

I haven't make the dough again since 48 hours of pizza doesn't exactly fit into the WW methodology (although it could be a mitigating factor in getting there in the first place.) But I just found Weir online and printed out the pizza recipe as a keeper this time.

For your consideration.



I really wish she had a video with this. Weir hand-molds the balls of dough to keep their shape and

showed an easy-to-follow way of stretching the dough with the top part of her hand. I felt like spouting Italian by the time I was stretching Balls #5 and #6.

I also like how she placed dressed greens right on top. Salad greens are my absolute favorite accompaniment to pizza--yet did I ever think to just mound it on top of the hot crust and bubbly cheese??

Umm, that would be a "no".

If you ever have a question about recipes you can contact Weir

and she'll respond. I had a question about her oven-roasted beet soup w/ watercress that I found in one of her recipe books and she emailed me with the information (a few weeks later as she was out of the country at the time). I bet that cooking class in SF with her is a lot of fun. Ann

thanks for the website. I used to watch her on PBS Sat mornings, till our PBS took away ALL of our

cooking and gardening shows, except for Julia and Victory Garden and that martha stewart simply something show. GRRRRRR. Now we have 7 days of nothing but children's programming all morning long.

Marilyn...around these parts, you'll find arugula on top of pizzas. That peppery green is really a

nice addition.
