I love the looks and the recipe for these cookies. Barley Malt is an unknown to me and I have never


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baked with malted milk. So, for you bakers out there, are those two products mentioned in the recipe worth me buying? They give online links and they are available from Amazon. I used to use Carnation Malted Milk as a kid in my milk and loved it but that is the extent of my experience with it. Apparently, the mentioned malted milk is the best on the market according to the comments.http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2017/02/malted-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe.html

Is Barley Malt the same as Malt Extract?

My dad used to give it to us as a tonic. We had two jars, one with cod-liver oil for the adults, and a plain one for us. It was delicious. Malt extract was 'Roo'smedicine' - you know, the food that Tiggers love best.

I no longer remember why I bought it

that should go on my tombstone...

wait, I'm going to be cremated. never mind
