I *LOVE* this idea and am SO doing it for my Christmas table! Anyone have a good Gingerbread >>

Thanks. Do you think these will make a "clean cut" edge? I probably will need to bake them firm>>

I'm trying to get Earl to walk with me down to the local, very fabulous Pacific Hardware store to buy two sizes of star cutters. 4.5 miles round trip and it's a tad windy here and 64 degrees outside. (I know we're both wimps!)

Michael - are you out there??! I made these 2 years ago, but I remember them not spreading a lot.

Like I said, I made gingerbread boys and girls. I don't know how you'd get that perfectly clean edge in the picture of those snowflakes. I'm using Michael's recipe to make snowflakes for a Christmas tea.

I got the snowflake cookie cutter like in the picture link >>


Those look wonderful! I checked the site and the only 6 pointed star (of David) are discontinued!

I may have to get my husband to make some as the hardware store didn't have any of these although they had LOTS of other choices.

My sister sent us a small box containing hanuka cutouts - star, top(dreidle), etc. Maybe you can

find those - I am thinking of the dreidel to use
as they did the stars in the picture. Thanks for the idea - it will be useful for all kinds of celebrations.

Yes, I thought those were pretty cool looking. I think the cutters in those combo>>>

kits would be too small. Besides I need Two sizes. I saw on Amazon for very cheap around $2.05 but the shipping was $12 !

Luisa, in that link I posted at Wilton's site, you can order them from there or get them at Michaels

Luisa, if you can't find the Star of David cookie cutters, I'll be happy to send you a couple

Well I looked several palces and the only Star of David I found was too small.>>>

I need TWO. One that is about 4 inches across and the other that is about 4.75 or 5 inches across. Do you have Two that big? I would be very happy just to borrow them and pay for the postage. You can PM me if you want.
