I made Shaun in TO's Swiss Chard Gratin last night, delicious and uses the stems as well as leaves.

Me too. I've got lots of chard in the garden. This is dinner tonight with some grilled sausages. But

a whole stick of butter might be too much even for me.

Ummm, actually...I did cut it down to 6T. and used part of that to put on top before

baking. I've always had good luck with bechamel that used the same proportions of butter and flour, don't see why this needs more. And I didn't strain it, either. Have never done that and saw no reason to start. Delicious recipe, however, even without the extra butter.

The butter just adds to the richness (partly to balance the slight bitterness of the chard). Tannis

spends half each year in France, where they're not so petrified of fat.

It was delicious! My butter use was just about the same as Curious', For company I might

use the full amount.

My chard was from last year's plants--very large and mature, so I simmered the stalks for quite a while, removed them with a slotted spoon, then blanched the greens in the same water before sauteeing with the garlic.

It was perfect with Italian sausage. We just had leftovers for lunch.
