I need a reason to make this! >> Spanish Windtorte from British Baking Show >>

Take it to your local fire department which services your part of town, or to your local

police department. Do you have a friend who works in either place. If so, let them know what you want to do, do they can pass the word around.
Other than that, you can drive it up to Redding and I would be glad to have you for lunch and we can share it!

The cover of Time-Life Foods of the World (more)

cooking of Vienna's empire has a cake like this.
I've been trying to find a reason to make it since 1970 smileys/smile.gif

That's weird. I just saw a complete set of those Time-Life Foods of the World at a thrift store...

...two nights ago. The one I pulled off the shelf to look at was the Cooking of the Vienna's Empire!


Daricem, I think you and MariaD just created a challenge. And you can post

the images of the finished product on their site.

Go, Team Meringue, Go!!!!!

Okay, MarilynFL, now I have a reason (more)

and it's raining....no meringues for a while....maybe Halloween?

I have the set and that cover immediately jumped to mind. I have managed to hold on to them and

still have several of the Cuisinart pots/pans and utensils with the wooden handles and knobs that I bought through them. The rest I gave to my daughter. They're about her age, lol.
There was an American cookbook in the series, with a strawberry shortcake on the cover. They then offered another 7 books of regional American cooking, do you have them?

I have them all and still cook from them(more)

Great Britain
Middle East
are the ones I use most often.

Anything especially good you would like to share? I still make the beef and peppers and fried rice

from Chinese Cooking. I've also made Lions Head from that book. Should make again, loved it. There are others but the beef/peppers and fried rice are the ones I've made over and over. I see I received that book in 1968 and pretty sure it was my first Chinese cookbook. We'd spent some time in an area of California that had wonderful Chinese food which was a new taste for me and I really liked it so I think that's why I was so taken with that book.

Sadly, for years I lived in areas where I couldn't source many of the ingredients for the recipes in that series. Then by the time they became more common, I'd moved on to other, newer publications.

I'm enjoying revisiting them, thanks to your comment.

Some of my favorites from T-L Foods (more)

Great Britain- baking - maids of honor, seedcake, etc
Middle East- Dolmas, stifado, baklava
India- the Briyani and various curries
