I wouldn't use them; return and get your money back. I can never get past
the smell of mold. I never buy clemetines anymore because twice the little carton smelled moldy.
Lost $100 making my first batch of limoncello. I had noticed there was a tiny whiff of mold smell when I was peeling one of the lemons. Nothing visible, but I could smell it. But here's what I thought: They'll be sitting in GRAIN ALCOHOL...which is 190 PROOF (or 95% ether alcohol). Surely NOTHING could live in that, including mold??
Oh, I was Oh So Wrong.
I impatiently waited the 40 days for Phase 1 to be completed. That liquid was gorgeous...a mellow, golden yellow. When I cracked the gallon jar open for Phase 2 (add simple syrup, wait 40 days) I STILL caught a slight whiff of mold, but figured SURELY NOT? Added the sugar and waited ANOTHER 40 DAYS.
Opened it and STILL smelled mold.
Dumped $100 worth of ingredients and booze down the drain.