I purchased a big bag of oranges; and they were not eaten.. They are a lil soft, and some


Well-known member
have mold on the top.... A few have some soft spots. Are they useless? I only purchased them last Thurs. How do I tell?

Can they be used for SOMETHING? I hate to throw out.....

I'd scrub any mold off if it isn't bad, then juice them & freeze it for cooking

If the rind is okay on some I'd zest them & freeze that too.

I wouldn't use them; return and get your money back. I can never get past

the smell of mold. I never buy clemetines anymore because twice the little carton smelled moldy.

Lost $100 making my first batch of limoncello. I had noticed there was a tiny whiff of mold smell when I was peeling one of the lemons. Nothing visible, but I could smell it. But here's what I thought: They'll be sitting in GRAIN ALCOHOL...which is 190 PROOF (or 95% ether alcohol). Surely NOTHING could live in that, including mold??

Oh, I was Oh So Wrong.

I impatiently waited the 40 days for Phase 1 to be completed. That liquid was gorgeous...a mellow, golden yellow. When I cracked the gallon jar open for Phase 2 (add simple syrup, wait 40 days) I STILL caught a slight whiff of mold, but figured SURELY NOT? Added the sugar and waited ANOTHER 40 DAYS.

Opened it and STILL smelled mold.

Dumped $100 worth of ingredients and booze down the drain.

I agree about dumping.They are rotten if soft.Sorry 'bout the

limoncello. I will mention that the 10 day variety works equally as well--have done them all.

Don't forget, many of the citrus was frozen this year. It may be that you got a crop that was

damaged. I was given two large bags of oranges this year and was told to use them right away. We cut them all open, the ones which had frost damage were juiced and zested. The ones with no damage we kept to eat, and zested at that time. When they are frost damaged, they are soft and rather dried out inside. Then the ends start to rot or brown. It is downhill from there.
We did not get a lot of juice from the damaged ones, but a little is better than nothing, and they did not go to waste.

I just had a childhood memory. Anyone else cover an entire orange w/ cloves? It was a project for

Brownies. I recall having my fingers / thumbs poked many times... (ouch!)
My mom kept it for years! (Eeww!)
