I saw post about this board at EPI in Feb. of this year, I'm happy I did!


Well-known member
I had occasionally visited the EPI board. After I joined this board, I seldon miss a day of checking the posts. You not only have enriched the days of this sr. citizen, but I have enjoyed some very tasty food that you told me about.

I live in Yuma, AZ with my pound hound. I moved south in 1987 when my body decided it didn't like the humidity in the NW.

It seems like a century ago I taught at a junior college. I had classes in physical education, physiology, industrial first aid and health education. Before that I taught math and physical education it the HS level. I coached women's athletics at both JC and HS level.

After an accident and a 3 yr. recovery period, I worked for state government. I did desktop publishing for the computer department.

My e-mail address is bobbijo_az@yahool.com

I had little time for cooking when I was working. I enjoy being able to take time to make good food. I have even started to make yeast breads--still learning (and, alas, growing).
