I spent some time crab apple picking this weekend!

Rec: Refrigerator Spiced Crabapple Jelly

Original recipe was posted by Barb in VA (thanks, Barb), although I've made some minor changes.

Source: The Forgotten Art of Making Old Fashioned Jellies, Jams, Preserves, Conserves, Marmalades, Butters, Honeys and Leathers C.1977

3 lbs crabapples
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
Pinch allspice
~3 C water
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Pinch ground cloves

Clean apples and remove stems and blossom ends of crab apples; cut into halves, cross-wise.

Put prepared apples in a large bowl and add enough water just until the apples begin to float. Add spices and vinegar, and cook until the apples are soft (about 20 minutes).

Mash the fruit while it is still in the bowl, and then line a strainer/colander with a piece of wet cheesecloth. Allow the juice to drip through into the bowl overnight. Do not squeeze the bag to hurry things along - squeezing (or pushing through the colander) will not hurt the flavor of the jelly, but it will cloud it as minute particles of pulp will come through into the juice.

When the juice has dripped through, measure out the liquid and add equal (or slightly less) amounts sugar. Bring the juice to a slow boil, stirring, until the jelly sheets off the spoon (about 20-30 minutes).

Skim any impurities off of the top of the liquid that has collected, and pour into jelly glasses - refrigerate. (Process if you want to store them out of the refrigerator before you open them, if you are making them to give as gifts, etc., but I just keep them in the refrigerator, and they last quite a long time.)

THanks for posting that pic - we were in Provincetown a few weeks ago and saw

a bunch of those trees full of fruit - I'd never seen them before on the tree. They look like giant cherry-grapes.

Thanks for the recipe Dawn. I think I'll try it with my small northern variety apples.

I planted 2 trees last year, and this summer I have about 10 small apples, too small to really do anything with, but this jelly would be nice. I'm hoping the apples get bigger as the trees mature.

I've always wondered why apple jelly comes out yellowish, while crabapple

jelly turns out deep red... they are both red-skinned, unless you use yellow apples. Let us know how yours turns out.
