I stumbled upon this easy method for washing mushrooms.


Well-known member
I had some mushrooms in a zip-loc bag because I had split a few pounds with my stepdaughter from the co-op. I forgot to move them to a container that wouldn't cause them to get slimy. The next morning I looked at them, and they were fine. I added water to the zip-loc, sealed it, and shook the devil out of it and drained them. I did that a few times until the water was clear. Then I drained them and let them dry on some paper towels.

It worked quite well and as I learned from an Alton Brown episode, it is okay to wash mushrooms.

Ahh, I feel vindicated. Another method that works quite well is to put them in a mesh

strainer or a colander and wash them using the spray attachment/option while shaking vigorously. The spray knocks off the dirt and the water doesn't remain on them. It seems the fresher/firmer the mushroom, the less water it will absorb.

This is how I do it, Curious - seems to work fine!

When I lived in Huntington Beach, CA in the 70's there was a mushroom farm just down the road. I learned then, to ignore what 'they' say and wash rinse my 'shrooms!

Well, I wash everything....lol
