I thought this was stunningly beautiful in its simplicity: rose transfer on panna cotta

I think it's just a cocoa butter chocolate transfer. The panna cotta has a stickiness to it

that would adhere nicely to a transfer. Unfortunately, the book is British and I returned it to the library too soon to see if she listed material references. Amazon "look inside" shows the image but skips over the recipe.


Okay. I checked the book and it does not give a source...

The ingredients list calls for "6 edible rose transfers (available online)." In the directions, after they are unmolded, it says to "apply a rose transfer to the top of each panncotta holding each transfer in place for at least 30 seconds and delicately rubbing the reverse side to ensure that the image transfers."

I ran across a comment from an online review asking where you could buy them and someone posted that the author's store sold them and included the link. However, the comment was from a few years ago and there is not currently an online shop at her website.

Sorry I could not be of more assistance. Let me know if you find them. I would be curious to know what type of transfer it is.
