I tried to find HOT smoked paprika at Penzy's, but only found it at Savory Spice House. Has anyone


Well-known member
bought any spice from them and have been happy with your purchase?

I made a smoked cauliflower soup yesterday with smoked paprika and you couldn't even taste the smoked paprika. This makes me sick to try new recipes and the flavor lacks when you've followed the recipe!!!

In any event, I was surprised Penzy's did not have paprika HOT.

Pimenton is my favorite as well. Have you tried SurLaTable, Marsha? Cost Plus World Market

is another good source, at least the Cost Plus stores in this area carry Pimenton (all heat levels). Also Williams Sonoma and Whole Foods carry it here so you might try calling them or other high-end grocers that carry ingredients for more discriminating palates.

I know that Melissa but it irritates me when you have a product that has a job to do

and it doesn't work the way you anticipate.

I don't feel like I should have to add cayenne to every food I want to have heat; especially when a recipe calls for smoked paprika and it doesn't even taste of smoked paprika.


Fresh--not already packaged when you go to their store so

I assume it is true when ordering from them. They have stores within a half block in Littleton, for example. You go in Savory Spice and you actually smell the aroma of spices. The Penzey store has everything already bottled up and there is little aroma.
REALLY fun stores.
