I used a bad word yesterday. In fact, I used SEVERAL bad words which may have


earned me an honorary place in the Navy.

After getting seduced YET AGAIN by Evelyn's Briami, I went to the healthfood store and bought all organics to avoid the dreaded "bitter zucchini" problem. I only wanted a small batch so I bought one zucchini, one crook-necked squash, one mutant size Russet, one onion, one bulb of garlic, fresh cilantro, fresh mint and then reached across and grabbed a package of organic feta. I use parmesan in the baking stage, but like to drop lumps of feta on right before serving.

Two and a half hours later, I roasted my baguette to a golden brown, scooped out a crunchy, soft bowl of wonderfulness, took my first bite and...(ugghhhh)



(ughhh, trying to wipe my tongue off metaphorically)

see...this is what I get for shopping with a craving, but without reading glasses.

There was a damn GOAT on the label.

ha...no, I've never seen Breaking Bad (but our friends in ABQ were asked to use their

mountain cabin as a drug lab film location) but she writes so well I laughed out-loud.

We loved this... (more inside)

Phil and I were absolutely HOOKED on Breaking Bad, we watched it a few months ago all seasons one after another, and we would use the "Bit,,.." line all the time, whenever the opportunity arose (between us, only, of course)

I loved her text, and the photos, even if staged, were priceless too
