I used to have a green thumb... Lost it about 15 yrs ago. (So sad), the bunnies, chipmunks and


Well-known member
ground hogs finally got the best of me. I have stopped planting... (Sniff, sniff). At a rummage sale this winter I picked up a used Aero garden, 3 pods. I am having so much fun planting and enjoying fresh herbs in my kitchen...!!

Highly recommend if you are looking for an easy way to plant inside......

I am waiting for a 6 or 9 pod one to go on sale. I can rationalize the cost....

Same here. I can't grow weed to save my life so I took up wild mushroom picking.....

DS's FIL is an expert in mushrooms. He is a toxicologist in Colorado and for

many years has run seminars in their mountain house to train ER physicians in identifying mushrooms--good and bad.
Eva, what kinds do you find there?
