I want to make a soup tomorrow - Farro and Dried Cranberry - little help?


Well-known member
I'm afraid the dried cranberries will be too sweet, so I'd like to add some red wine vinegar to the soup. But then I was going to add a little cream to the soup.

Jeez... I can't even formulate a thought here. What I'm wondering is:

A: If I add vinegar to a soup with cream in it, will it curdle the cream?

B: Should I add a roux in here at some point to thicken it?

C: Is this going to be a disaster!!???

Here's the recipe as I've sketched it out... I couldn't find my usual "jumping off point" so I'm starting from scratch.

1 med. yellow onion, diced

1 carrot, diced

1 stalk celery, diced

1 t. chopped sage

2 cloves garlic

Sautee the onion til lovely, add carrot and celery and sautee a bit more, then add in sage & garlic

Add in 4 c. chicken broth and heat. Stir in 1 cup farro (soaked an hour first) and simmer around 30 minutes or so - add in 1 c. dried cranberries and simmer another 15 or so til the cranberries plump up and the farro is fully cooked, but still chewy.

Stir in 4 cups (or so) chopped kale and simmer til wilted.

Stir in 1/2 cup (?) cream, and 1 or 2 t. cranberry vinegar.

adding acid to soup

I tend to add acid to any soup at the end, when tasting and making corrections right before service. If you do that you may decide it is unnecessary. If you want to add acid, put some in a bowl and do a test addition. Also, do you think some of the sugar added to dried cranberries would rinse off if you soaked them in water and/or rinsed them before using them?

I love both farro and cranberries so please report back on your soup.

Thanks for the suggestions! I love the soaking idea, I just put a T. of cranberries in two separate

containers, and am soaking one in balsamic and the other in a raspberry vinegar. Going to see how that works after about an hour. Could be just what's needed!

Third (adult) option. Warm up some gin and soak the cranberries in that. Not only is the flavor

amazing in the resulting gin liquid, but the color is vibrant and would make lovely holiday drinks.

we always had a small caraffe of vinegar on the table when Mom made bean soup. adding a good

"soup spoon" full into each bowl. I still have to add some when I make it. or ketchup added in a pinch, like at a restaurant.

Funny--Czech friends here have their parents ship pickle juice over for lentil soup, once a year. smileys/wink.gif
