I was asked to make a "roller coaster cake" for the grandson of dear friends of ours. He turned 6...

You are all very nice. Thank you for the kind words. It was a very special day...

...in that the little guy turning 6 got to spend the day with his Dad, his Grandparents and his Great-Grandparents. (His Mom was back in Texas, caring for his older sister. She is severely disabled.) Four generations in one home!

It was a privilege to be a part of it.

The little guy was thrilled, and his Grandparents, who are our dear friends and mentors, were very generous with their praise. His Great-Grandparents are nearly 90, and they had a blast!

A truly special day.


Thanks, Karen, but I'm just a humble pirate. Actually, a home cook who knows...

...enough to be dangerous.

Plus, I baked my first cake when I was 8, so I've had time to practice!

