I was desperate and this was easy: Alice Medrich’s Melting Chocolate Meringues


Who knew something this simple could be so...so....chocolaty?

As I walked into the house at 7:30 last night, Lar off-handedly said: "mummmm...Mrs. R finally gave me back your cookie tin and said she was hoping you might refill it with anything chocolate."

I scoped out my pantry ingredients: I knew I had chocolate, but also knew I'd finished off the eggs regifting 2.5 pounds of leftover Bagel Fest Friday cream cheese into a cheesecake.

Then I stumbled on this recipe. It uses eggwhites and no flour....so great for gluten-free. I had a container of organic eggwhites and a stack of 8oz Dark Chocolate Hershey bars, which meant I wouldn't have to pull out the 70/30 Slab-O-Chocolate.

To account for the extra chocolate, I scaled up the original recipe (linked) a tad:

3 egg whites

1/4 Tsp cream of tarter

1 tsp vanilla

dash salt

1/4 C sugar

8 oz melted dark chocolate

1/2 cup of chopped pecan pieces, toasted.

Whip eggwhites until soft mounds, add tarter, vanilla, and slowly add sugar beating until stiff peaks. Fold in cooled chocolate and pecans.

Drop by teaspoon on parchment paper. Bake 10 minutes.

Let sit until they are cool, then use an offset spatula and scrap cookies off onto a cooling rack.

Store in tin. Try, just TRY, to eat only one.

I just can't even imagine how good these would be with really good chocolate. I mean, they're good and I just used Hersheys!


Take them out, Ang. I tried removing one from the parchment immediately

and it was so tender and soft that it schmoosed and crumpled up. So I ate that one. Then I tried it again just to be sure I shouldn't do that. Yep. Too soft. So I ate that one too.

I let them sit out of the oven for about 10 minutes and they firmed up and totally flattened out. I still had to use the spatula to scrap them off the parchment, but they stayed firm.

By the way, my batter completely deflated, so I'm guessing that's why they flattened. From the picture I don't think they're supposed to do that, but hey, they stack easier.

Somehow I doubt any cookies made by Alice Medrich would dare have the audacity to flatten out in her kitchen.

PS: These tasted even better today.

I wondered because some meringue cookies call for leaving in the oven, even ovenight. these sound

so easy and decadent.

Oh, my GOSH - the smell is killing me! First pan just out of the oven....

They are gorgeous! I made a double batch and will be making more...with espresso power in the next ones! smileys/smile.gif I added toasted pecans. (after I burnt 3 cups of pecans I was toasting because I got busy! LOL)

Can't wait to taste these! They smell divine. I may make the next batch at night and leave them in the oven several hours to see how that works. I've made meringues that way in the past, too, Ang.

Ummmmmm.....deep, dark rich chocolate....with pecans. These are fabulous!

I can only eat ONE though, or I won't have enough for my gift baskets. *sigh hehehe

Probably a good thing. I'll be making more next week for my family, that's for sure. Wonder how long these keep? Anyone know?
