I was just given a frozen smoked pheasant. Now what???

Put it under glass? LOL Slice thin and make a sandwich with mayo,

lettuce and tomato, use thin slices on a crostini with a peppery lettuce etc.Dice and add to a salad or serve with cheese, crackers and a beer.

Pizza! Sprinkle it on top like any smoked meat

along with sliced grape tomatoes, cherry or banana peppers, green onion (or Vidalia), smoked Gouda, mozzarella and roasted garlic. But definitely take Orchid's suggestion and enjoy it on a sandwich first smileys/wink.gif I bet it will be exceptional! Colleen

That's probably a good idea. If it is home smoked it may be quite good. I think

you might need some gravy. It could make a good pulled pheasant BBQ--as in pulled turkey or chicken.

Well, taste it then re-gift....I've had smoked pheasant and didn't like it much

You could try something trendy like using it on eggs benedict instead of other meat......maybe the hollandaise would cut the intensity. Unless, of course, it is too tough to use this way. Or try grinding it up and mixing up a strange pate. Never know- might be good.

I've used it in place of smoked turkey in this Pasta with Smoked Turkey and Wild Mushrooms

recipe. Many years ago (maybe 12-13 years) our neighbor who hunts proudly gifted us with a smoked pheasant. I didn't really care for it much -- it was rather tough and a bit too gamey for my taste. So I cut it up and used it in the pasta dish at the link. Pretty sure I used cremini instead of portabello mushrooms. The creamy sauce was a tasty camouflage, lol, for the pheasant.

One unpleasant thing I remember well was biting into shot pellets while chewing (ouch and ick!).

