I was just looking at the Bavaraian Apple Torte REC in T & T by dianncy64, but many of the amounts


Well-known member
are missing. ??? Does anyone have an old copy filed away with the proper numbers in place that he/she could give me? TIA! Wigs

FYI, most T&T recipes are also posted in the Y! group Files section

Thanks to Rose (shout out to Rose for all her hard work!)

Since they were pulled from cached files of Finer Kitchens they are clean copies.

Once this site is fully up and no longer beta (remember this site and the new Eat.At are both beta) we can copy some of the few over that didn't end up in T&T here.

Meanwhile, if you aren't a member of the Y! group give a shout and one of us will check/repost clean copies of info over there if need be.

Okay, MariaDNoCA, I will try to track this Y! group down and see if I can access. Thanks!
