I was just on the phone, and had a friend just ask me if I was happy...


Well-known member
and I teared up and replied, no. That I missed my friends and I missed my job. I was feeling very sorry for myself. My new puppy needed to go out. So I took her out, and was standing waiting for her to do her business. She was playing around, so I moved towards her to encourage her. I hit a muddy spot and went flailing into the mud (we have had rain the last few days, and it is raining now) face down. I decided to make a mud angel. So now I am covered in mud and smiling. Go figure. For me, the lesson is, don't take life too seriously, live in the moment and enjoy it all. Still smiling.

That's great ~ nothing like making a sad situation a happy one ~ It will get better Dawn, soon smileys/smile.gif

"When life throws you in the mud, make a mud angel." Dawn, can I use that as my signature?

Thanks everyone...

on a lighter note, I told my husband this morning what happened last night about the mud, and he asked me (now granted, he is not a morning person and he was waiting for his first cup of coffee) if I was naked. LOLOL. I just looked at him, trying to comprehend his question, and I still can't. I do not take my dogs out in my birthday suit, and especially not late night. He is just too funny.
Anyway, I really am happy here, I am surrounded by family and I love my house and my yard. I just have such special friends back in San Diego and I miss them.

Both stories that made me smile.

Now I have a picture of you dancing under the moonlight in your birthday suit.

I guess the really bright side of your situation is that you made such good friends to begin with. YOu probably do that wherever you are, because of you.

This reminds me of a late, late night working with Larry on his dissertation

It was 1:00 am and we had been sitting at the computer for hours going over some difficult edits. Suddenly we heard a summer rainstorm start and went outside to the walkway to watch the rain. It was pitch black with only lightening brightening the night sky.

Now, I'm usually a very staid and private person, but I felt our editing session needed a break so I suggested to Larry that we strip down and run out into the rain. He looked at me like I was crazy, but then started to laugh and said "sure, let's do it!"

We jumped out of our clothes and ran into the yard under the pouring rain....at which point our brand new driveway sensor light flashed on--spotlighting us in our birthday suits for all the world to see. Or at least anyone driving down our street at that particular moment.

If you've ever seen the speed with which a frightened raccoon will run away from a trashcan, you ain't seen nothin' until you've seen a chubby naked Ukrainian spooked in the dark.

(((Dawn))) prretty soon you'll be so busy harvesting and canning you won't have time to be sad.

Right on Michael.... I don't consider his question odd at all... sounds pretty normal smileys/smile.gif

You obviously don't know my yard...

raccoons, possoms, locust, frogs, bugs galore, mosquitoes, bees, fox, stray dogs, toads, spiders and their webs, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. No way, no how!
