I was just over at the old "swamp"...


Well-known member
All I can say is HA HA!

Apparently there was some issue over a cheesecake? I don't know the details, but I saw the solution...

I never get tired of posting a big THANK YOU to Mimi for making it great for us here!

Whatever that HUGE number factor that was in the NG article about particles....that's how much I

love Mimi and FinerKitchens.

has anyone else noticed all the spammers now on EPI? So many

posts leading people only to their website. and some of the spammers are replying to each other, so maybe we won't figure it out. I don't mind links to good websites or recipes, since I do the same thing instead of trying to copy and paste and get garbled text, but these posters post ONLY about their site.
