I was lucky to buy two gallons of lovely Guernsey/Jersey raw milk


Well-known member
from a well-known fabulous dairy here. I am going to make mozzarella, but the dessert maker in me is wanting to do something special with at least part of the second gallon-something where the nice rich milk really shines-maybe butterscotch pudding, or a cream pie. Ideas?

What a gold mine! Once cream rises 2 the top, skim it off 2 make homemade ice cream! Other ideas

for the milk (or cream) include custards, tapioca, bread pudding, scalloped potatoes, cream pasta sauces. As a kid (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth), my dad milked 3 or 4 cows so we put real whipping cream on everything, and to this day I like it on my oatmeal. I've gotten so I can stand oatmeal with only half & half, but I much prefer heavy whipping cream. Sigh. Mother used to whip the cow's cream and put it on top of dessert jello salads even! Boy, those were the days.
