I was trying to post a photo...


Well-known member
from Photobucket. But every time I go there it is new and improved and less and less intuitive and user friendly. I copied every URL available and could not get any photos to post, just the codes. I finally got a photo to appear by placing the code in the link, but then I had infinity posts of the photo.

Any suggestions?

Another photo upload site?

We can't embed photos in text body anymore smileys/frown.gif Copy....

from photobucket the link marked "Direct" and paste it into the Image URL link box beneath where you put the main text of your post (aka beneath this part).

So if we want to post several photos they'd need to be in individual postings.

FYI -- to get editing menu/etc in PB I now have to hover over the photo for it to show up.

See example in posts below.

PS to Paul...
If it's possible (I know this is old and cranky software, hence "possible") to get the embed within a post using code inside the text box -back again, that would be wonderful as we've lost quite a lot of previous content when that feature went away.

The change is here...

If you are referring to all photo links now must be linked one photo/post at a time using the Image URL box.

PB seems to want to upgrade/update itself often making it hard to follow the changes, but it gives easy access to link codes. I use it personally and haven't really used anything else (except Flickr a long time ago).

However, one other thing you can do is get the link code to a slideshow in PB and post it in the Link URL box - that will bring folks over to PB when clicked and show them your slide show. You could also do that, plus add one still photo as mentioned.

Thanks. I totally agree with your comments about PB...

sometimes, one should just leave well enough alone.

Especially demanding that everyone relearn to use a product they know (I'm looking at you Microsoft! I just had an upgrade to Windows8 --shudder!).

I'll take a look at your instructions and relearn the application. Again. smileys/wink.gif

yes it is definitely possible. The problem is that it will take some significant recoding.

The reason I had to deprecate this feature was that it was conflicting with the "NT" fix and content from posts was not getting displayed at all in some cases. So figuratively speaking, we'd have to rip off one band-aid to fix this issue and then we'd be back with the last problem. We're at a point now where it would be better to completely rewrite the code than to keep applying band-aids.

It would be simple enough to completely migrate the forum to a more modern style forum but then we'd have a different interface. The last time that I suggested this and put up a demo, several of the original members got really upset. I seem to recall pitchforks and torches... The only options short of that are either doing a large scale modification of something modern to make it look and function as the Swap does now, or creating something from the ground up.
