I would like to donate this Rosette Iron to someone here as a "Memory Maker"


I was donating a small frig and microwave to a church yard sale and they wouldn't let me leave until I bought something (Behold the Power of Little Old Ladies Behind a Tin Cash Box.)

Saw this and immediately flashed back on my Aunt Clara bringing a laundry basket full of these cookies to our house for Christmas. Aunt Clara had two grown kids, while her baby brother (my Dad) still had seven kids floating around the house. She was a war widow and ran the kitchen of her local VFW so she must have had large frying vats at her disposal. That's the only way I can imagine how she turned out such massive quantities.

Anyway....I thought someone here might like this set to make cookies with their grandkids...or to start new memories with their own kids...or to try something new.

There are four molds inside (heart, circle, open cicle, and star) and a two-tined handle to make/dip two cookies at a time. NO RECIPE, though. You're on your own there.

I'll mail it out to the first person who requests it.

(This box has a Macy's price tag of $1.98!!)

PS: oh, I just read the box. It says to "serve TIMBALES (Patty Shells) as a main luncheon dish and delight your guests. Fill with favorite creamed tuna fish recipe or any other that is appropriate. Wonderful, too, as individual shells for creamed or buttered vegetables. Also serve either Rosettes or Timbales as a cookie or top with ice cream."

Who knew? I'd only ever seen them as cookies.

One link shows the box and the other shows the parts inside.



Thanks Mar! I am anxious to get started with holiday baking and this will be fun with the kids!

Wow, memories indeed! Many the hour I spent making "rosettes". forced servitude by my mother. A >

small amount of batter made vast heaps and, insult over injury, I didn't even like them. Keeping the oil temperature correct so they neither soaked up the oil nor burnt was a major pain. And this all without a thermometer.

Amen sister. We kids were farmed out to the neighbors for "pizelle" forced servitude...

standing for what felt like HOURS in front of the stove making each cookie "Put 1 scoop in...now count S.L.O.W.L.Y to 60. Now lift out and stack over here. Do another" (...and another...and another....)

We used to make hundreds at a time--either for Christmas or for a neighbor's wedding. Polish or Ukranian or Italian or Croatian weddings in our little ethnic corner of PA usually ran 300+ guests.

"Children are the hands by which we ...make hundreds of pizelle"

...couldn't help myself!
But good memories, yes?

We called them Chinese pretzels, and the recipe called for 1 box of cornstarch.

Do you know how much batter one box of cornstarch makes??? Enough for hundreds of those dang pretzels!

And we only had the single rosette mold - Dawn, be thankful for that double one smileys/smile.gif

And of course, we could never cut the recipe in half, cause we couldn't figure out how to halve the box of cornstarch...?

Of course, after all of that, I still had to buy a set of my own when I moved out. Made it once with hubby, and he said Never Again. Period.

Maybe I should go get it, and make it once again, just for memories sake.

