I'd just like to be one of the first to declare the "bacon-everything" fad has jumped the shark.


Well-known member
Mind you, it's not that I've turned my back on the delectable smoked pig, it's just when supermarket bakeries start selling chocolate cupcakes with bacon, the novelty is officially worn off. (The food equivalent of elevator musak)

I know, I was totally "there" when Animal restaurant, here in LA, started serving their bacon chocolate crunch bar. It was cutting edge and brilliant but now, I think you can buy package mixes which means it's time for everyone to stop.

I declare bacon everything, finished, termina, fini, kaput, ausgezogen. Thought I'd share.

I so agree with you. They lost me when they started putting bacon in cupcakes, etc

I love bacon, but for me, it has its place in BLT sandwiches, spinach salads, next to my eggs, pancakes, or country potatoes. Maybe a few other things too, but not in baked goods, or lollipops, or ice cream. Enough!

Oh, yeah! One of my favorite memories--we had a friend from France visit with her daughter and niece

one summer. The French are squeamish about mixing sweet and savory. Toward the end of the visit the girls and I were at a family breakfast with my nieces and nephews, eating French toast and bacon.

One of the French girls took a dare from my nephew to dip her bacon in syrup and eat it. The other was horrified! It was a fear factor moment with the American kids cheering her on while her cousin was squealing in horror. She did eat it and she liked it. Everyone applauded.
