I'd love your recommendations on a book or website for "canning basics". Is there a 'bible' out ...

Got an older edition of The Joy Of Cooking? And here are some others

Ortho Books All About Pickling printed in 1975- it is a soft cover book.

Ortho Books A Guide to Preserving Food For A 12 Months Harvest printed in 1975 (This one is my personal favorite)

Sunset Books Canning Freezing & Drying printed in 1981-also soft cover.

I second this one, also Kerr Book of Canning. I learned how to can

from both of them. They have good recipes for all kinds of foods, with very exact directions on how to do it. Some of my favorite recipes have come from those two books. Especially my Sweet Pickle Relish. I can eat that with a spoon. Make sure you get current copies though, because the older ones don't use the current canning principles.

I like the Sunset book also. That is where I found my recipe for

Freezer Sweet and Sour pickles, which I also love. Also a good Raspberry Plum Jam that I have made.

Agree with Pat and Dawn on this one. I do not have the others, but find this one to be helpful. I

I believe it was actually included in the canning equipment that was purchased by my friend from Walmart. She had two books, so gave me one. Very informative

I, too, recomment the Blue Book as a great guide to the basics, and another terrific book is

Small-Batch Preserving by Ellie Topp and Margaret Howard. It is filled with interesting recipes that take the basics one step further. For example, there are whole chapters on Chutneys, Conserves, Marmalades, Salsas, Flavored oils and vinegars, etc. All a little different, and great for gift giving, too.

Another book Ilike is Farm Journal's Freezing and Canning Cookbook

The inside covers have nifty charts telling you how much raw product you need to be able to process "x" number of pints or quarts. Recipes are good, too, but somewhat 70's ish!
