If you are having trouble registering, read this!


Well-known member
I had a report from one person who was unable to register; apparently the system never sent them their password. If that happens to you, send an e-mail to mimi at finerkitchens.com (of course replace "at" with a @) and I will create your account.

When you register remember to turn off your spam blocker so that the e-mail with your password doesn't get blocked as spam. The message with the password will be from "bSpeak Administrator" with my email address (mimi at finerkitchens.com) and the subject will be "Forum Registration".

Luisa, I received the email with password immediately....

But the password would not work when I tried to log on. I didn't have but about 10 mins at the time to play with it but did make sure the it was copied and pasted correctly and I also typed in, which didn't work, either. Was weird! smileys/wink.gif

Glad yours worked!

The software developer tells me this is not a known issue...

I would rather everything be perfect! But at least with this bug, you will only experience it once! ;o)

This is not to say we won't try to solve it.
