I'm buying a lottery ticket tonight. NFR totally

Marg CDN

Well-known member
My cat fell off my balcony last night, flying down effectively 10 storeys. I did not know for about 5 minutes and by the time I got down there, there was no trace of her. I did find some broken pine branches in a large planter on the ground just below my balcony. It was too dark to see if there was any fur, but the breaks were fresh. NO sign of kitty.

How horrible! The next 2 hours saw me combing the meadow in front of the building, all the while, shaking in my boots. It was my fault as I had left her alone out there too long. The front of this building would be a terror to an animal who was not familiar with it, a massive space with lights and cars and pools and running water, so I knew she was either hiding, dead under the bushes and not responding, or an eagle had immediately dragged her off (there was no blood).

Right away I posted a photo of her in the lobby for the overnight, but in this snooty building, some heartless person (and I know who you are) took it down.

After a few hours of some level of sleep with ears peeled all night long for any wayward cries out there, I began another search covering the areas that I thought would be logical if she were wounded. After another 2 hours, I decided I had to give up so I stood still one last time and called her when it was quiet. I thought I heard a little peep. There she was tucked under some bushes, barely wanting to come out even when she recognized me.

She fell 10 storeys and suffered only a green sap stain on her upper arm from breaking the pine branch and some dirty white paws from tromping through the unknown. I probably should take her for an Xray but she has been quite traumatized already. She is completely back to her happy little bouncy self, except for the extra purrs.

I consider both of us to be so fortunate today. Thank heaven for a strategically-placed planter (I actually thanked it when I moved in 3 years ago, hoping it would never have to prove its worth) and a now-smaller pine shrub. The planter is only 4', and she could have moved 1" and landed on its concrete edge. Makes me wonder if she were steering.


Awww....so glad kitty is safe and sound! 9 lives cats. Falling 10 stories surely use up 1 of them!

Oh my, so glad she's okay! my friend's cat did a similar leap, she

fell out the window or off the balcony down 6 flights. They didn't know until the following morning, thought she was hiding out as kitties do sometimes. When she came home after taking her son to school and still didn't find the cat she did the same search outside, found nothing, there was nothing but grass underneath for the fall. That night when she was bringing her son home from school, they both looked (so distressing) and found her huddled by the garage gate for the main underground parking. She was totally fine, super quiet and lovey for a few weeks and she's never gone out on the balcony railing again.

oh kitties.....!

I'm thankful everything turned out all right 4 yr cat. It's amazing she lived through such a tumble

your love for your pet is so obvious

I can understand how horrible you felt but please try to forgive yourself. It was not your fault.
