I'm going to be baking for my friend's brother in Iraq


Well-known member
My friend wants to send a package of cookies to each person in his unit, because some of them don't get any mail. I would love some ideas for cookies that will keep well for the time it takes to get to them.


Here is a list we have used around here for a couple of years, Bar cookies work best. think Ang did

same of these?? can bake in foil pan, cut, leave in pan and ship.
Last year we found the flat rate priorty boxes were best way to go. No weight limit, not sure about prices this year, but saw at PO there were same two sizes.
If you make individual cookies, would suggest using the Glad type containers.
And you can use some of the other suggestions in the link to stuff boxes so you don't have to use styro crap. Lip Balm, eye drops, good pens, socks, check the list.
I had two guy's addresses one from here and one from a local friend. There were 15 or so in each group, so just sent two boxes to each guy with enough of each item for each person.
Going through the APO/FPO addreses it only took a week or so to get there.
I actually don't have a name this year, so if you could pm me this person's address, I could get a box or so together.
Bless you and Hugs,


Nan, thank you for all of this great info

I'm printing it all out and bringing it to my friend. We are going to be packing the boxes on Monday. This is the first time she has sent such big packages.
I don't have the name or any other info until Monday.
Thank you, Thank you!

Cindy, we, here at FK, did that a few years ago. Our brave and industrious

leader here was Marilyn/Fl. Wow what a job she did. I've linked to the search for "Operation Cookie Drop" and if you have time there is tons of info in it.

Yes orchid, code named OCD, Operation Cookie Drop to be precise...

Here's a link under same. Sorry, but I don't see yours orchid.

You'll find Operation Cookie Drop Guidelines (the third listed at link here) among many as Marilyn stated.

This was a memorable, charitable, and most successful drive borne by our very own MarilynFL for the benefit of our soldiers fighting the war in Iraq. I, among others, have been very proud to be a part of that campaign to give our soldiers a little piece of comfort and "home."

Yes, Marilyn ROCKS!!!


Cindy, Nan, Orchid and Sandy have already provided lots of good links. We

found that the OCD boxes get there fairly quick (~6-10 days) so most cookies will work, other than very fragile cookies. Pack as if the box will be dropped from 4 feet high. And stacked with lots of other boxes. We used flat-rate and you can pack a LOT of stuff in those. One of our flat-rate OCD boxes weighted in at 13 pounds! Way to go, Tessie!

Also, consider making peanut brittle, which several of our cooks sent at OCD. It's quick, it's delicious, it lasts, and comes in small pieces, so it's easy to share with friends.

Other things we did: "fill in the spaces" around the cookies with goodies like "instant drink" packettes, hard tack candy (chocolate may/or may not get there in good shape), but M&M were a hit.

However, the best thing we included was a personal note inside to the soldier. We didn't know their name, but we did know they were far away from home. Lots of children wrote notes that were included too.

Good luck! You're doing a generous thing.

Flat rate boxes from the PO are terrific. I actually left the bar cookies whole, cutting the sheet

in half and then wrapping the halves in saran wrap and then in foil. I think they stay moister than if you cut them in bars and the soldiers can cut them up as desired. If you need to fill up spaces or need "padding", Twinkies or other snack cakes work really well.
