I'm gonna share this here, because we're kind of a cloistered group. I got three compliments...


Well-known member
...on our "hospitality" in the last week, and rather than be prideful, I can put this here because all of you will understand.

We were bringing food to a young couple who had their second child recently. With a two-year-old and a newborn, we knew some comfort food would be welcome. Last week, at a get-together attended by friends, the Dad in this precious little family thanked us publicly for our food shipments. They especially liked the chicken soup, and his wife told him, "Maybe we should have another baby, so we can get some of that soup!"

Our eldest is coming to Phoenix for a church seminar over the Thanksgiving holiday, Thursday through Sunday. People are coming from all over the world to attend. He is bringing several of his roommates and friends as they all asked if they could stay at our house "because your Dad is an awesome cook". Such praise. I am humbled.

A friend of ours had surgery on her leg. It was outpatient surgery, but we sent over a batch of Congee and her favorite Banana Cake with White Chocolate/Cream Cheese frosting. My wife overheard a conversation between our friend and her husband. She was still hurting a bit from the surgery. Her husband said, "What are you complaining about? You GOT a Banana Cake out of it! I'd give my arm for one of his chocolate cakes! (It'd have to be my left arm though. That way I could still draw house plans...)".

Never underestimate the affect of bringing food to friends has on those who receive, AND on those who give.


What wonderful stories--NOT prideful at all. It is always nice to be complimented on one's talents.

P.S. Enjoy your son's classmates! How fun is that! : ) They won't want to go back to school!

I think people really appreciate a home-cooked meal. It seems like it is a lost art, and there

is something inherently comforting about someone making food for you.

Your family and friends are lucky to have you in their lives! Love that not only your son, but also his friends appreciate your talents and efforts. smileys/smile.gif

We have great friends and family who appreciate not only comfort food, but they also appreciate...

...the effort that goes into it.

Any of you swapizens remember the trials Margi used to go through with her inlaws? I keep in touch with her, and we don't talk about it much, but I remember some of her epic posts about cooking for them.

I'm very blessed, and I count all of you high on that list!

I love you all, and I hope your holidays are awesome, filled with family, friends, feasting, festivity and spiritual riches! Thank you for your kind words.

We are a special little corner of cyberspace, indeed!


Jacques has a shop in a resort area. Long story, we had a shop there, we moved to LA,

and did much better, then the crash of '08 wiped out not only us, but most of our suppliers. Bandruptcy and all that.

Anyway, Jacques has since re-opened in our original beach location with a much more modest version of the French fabrics we used to sell, and the cast of characters on the island hasn't changed much.

One of the merchants, way back when, after having two kids already, was having triplets! Of course I brought some food by her shop for her husband to take home. The triplets are in high school now and their siblings in college, but every time I see mom I get a huge hug and a thank you for that gesture. Apparently, no one else thought to help out in that way.

I don't even remember what I gave her--probably extra from a catering gig. Whatever it was was easy. Is it a lost tradition?

Michael, I hope not!

Thanks for sharing those stories, Michael. You put a lot of time and effort into

cooking for those people and I'm so glad they have the decency to thank you. You really deserve it.

And thanks for the idea about cooking some comfort food for the family with the newborn baby. My friend just had a baby (she also have a one year old) so I'm definitely making something for them this weekend. Thant was a great idea smileys/smile.gif

It always warms my cockles to know that such lovely people still exist. I have learned not to

discount the value of just really good chicken soup. Folks sure do appreciate it when they're down.
