I'm in need of cheap, empty spice jars


In the (ever increasing) list of stuff I have to buy for the NC house, I just added spices.

Then I realized that I have THREE cabinets full of various spices--including an obscene number of salt variations on a theme--and I could just put half of each spice into an empty jar and we're good to go.

Except the jars I've found online are costing almost $1 a piece...even plastic. Maybe that isn't much, but I'm looking for 50 jars and don't really want to spend $50 for something filled with nothing.

Any suggestions?

Know someone with a Baby? Baby food jars can often be had on . . . .

Craigslist (you look at this) or on Freecycle (you must suscribe to this) for free.

Also, is there a seller of herbs/spices (health foods) within decent distance? . . .

the killer for me on getting jars is that I might find both jars and lids at a decent price, but with the shipping--Whoo-ee--. Too rich for my budget.

I have found jars, small jars, at places like herb/spice dealers, health food stores, sometimes places that sell teas/coffees and, if you haunt them regularly 99 cent stores and such.

Oftimes if I need jars, I hit up friends/relatives and usually find someone willing to give up old spices and the jars that have been sitting in their cupboards for ages and ages. . .

Good gracious, I am che--I am frugal!

World Market has a couple of kinds for a dollar. The 4oz. jelly jars are good for big bulk

stuff like basil (I use a lot) or even whole dried Mexican peppers. And I re-use the plastic jars I've bought herbs and spices in.

Ugh! I wish I knew earlier. I saw at a garage sale last weekend a spice rack that was

right up your alley. It wasn't petri dishes, but the long glass scientific tubes... (drawing a blank to the name)...

They had a cork on top and put in spice container. I tried and tried to figure out how I could justify the $5.00....

I just did not need. In retrospect, I should have trusted my gut, and purchased to send to you!!!

Snack-sized zip bags, arranged alphabetically, rubber banded together and

stored in freezer. Keep a list on your phone. Colleen

Hey, I totally forgot about canning jars! They come in 4 oz, 8oz and other sizes. . .

and come with rings and lid. I store spices and stuff in them all of the times. You can get them at groceries and Ace Hardware stores, and Ace has sales for them regularly. Ace is a good site to check because they will have the little, 4 oz jars for $10 a case and you can have them delivered to your store for free.

This reminds me of a time early in our marriage. We wanted 12

jars and thought that was what we were ordering. It turned out that we had ordered 12 DOZEN jars. We used those wherever we could. Unfortunately, they're all gone now.

haha mistral! I just emptied a jar of poultry seasoning and rinsed it. keeping it for something

like a new spice rub.

Another thought. Sometimes I get in my own way. $50 seems like a lot, except I can spend that much

trying a new recipe that gets digested in a day. I just updated my spice containers and they are a key workhorse in my kitchen. Money well spent. Could I have saved $20 online? Maybe, but after the hassle of searching, paying for shipping, waiting, and hoping what arrives is exactly what I thought it would be...is it worth it? Not for me. I bought mine at Crate and Barrel so I know if I need more, I can find them again.
