I'm in trouble now...Just harvested our first crop of arugula &now I'm spoiled for anything else!


Well-known member
It was SO very good! Put some of our radishes, some marinated baby artichokes & a blue cheese vinaigrette. Can't wait for more...

Served with an omelette made w/ sauteed diced potatoes, fresh spring scapes, fresh rosemary & parmesan.

Enjoy it. I've been picking mine while still young, not letting it mature into large leaves...

this morning I see that my still young leaves are starting to bolt. Rats!

I plant a crop every 2 weeks, pick while very small & if I don't, it bolts in no time. I am

ever so slightly north of you and mine bolted a month ago because I got behind.

It's one of my most cherished crops.

I'm growing in Redding. I planted in March. We've had crazy weather here ......probably a bit more

eratic than Vacaville. We've had some days in the high eighties and they are in full sun. My cilantro is in afternoon sun and are doing better. Lettuce is looking a tiny bit stressed so I expect next week when we hit triple digit temps, it will bolt.

Poor you...in pretty much the hottest spot north of the Mojave!

And 80 miles south of you, it's only about 2-5 degrees cooler...*sigh* Ah...N. CA weather!
