I'm interested in starting canning.... any suggestions/tips??


Enthusiast Member
I particularly want to do small cans of fruit and vegetable purees. How do I start? Where/what is the best equipment to use? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Start with something easy like jam until you get the hang of it. Pretty easy, really...

Sterilize jars, put food in, screw on lid with seal, boil in hot water. Here's 2 good places to look for the basics:


Each recipe you use will have the details of how and when to do what. I know there have been recipes posted here on the subject, so a search should help.

Some jam recipes need added pectin, others don't. Apple is one that has

enough of it's own pectin, so you might want to start there for an easy one. See crabapple recipe above :eek:)

And welcome to the board!

And no processing needed unless you plan to store, unopened. (Store in refrigerator.)

I'm paranoid when it comes to processing incorrectly :eek:( so I pretty much only make and use for myself, then store the open jar in the refrigerator.

My first canning session was lemon curd and cranberry marmalade - I got the supplies

the large pot, canning tongs, jars and lids at my local hardware store.

I can post the recipes I used if you'd like.

Yes, please post recipes! And did you use dried cranberries? I can't find

fresh to save my life!

By the way, if you're looking for a fantastic recipe for lemon curd, Pierre Herme's is fantastic.

And I'd be curious to hear what technique you use to can the curd. I'd love to whip up a batch for gifts and such.

REC: Lemon or Lime Curd

This was originally posted by mistral on the "other" place:

REC: Lemon curd for canning (one recipe, there are more out there!)

Don't overcook this. Lemon curd is done when you can dip a spoon into the cooked curd mixture and then wipe a finger across the back of the spoon and the finger will be clearly visible--the curd will not run back into the finger trace. Pull off heat AS SOON as this test happens correctly or the eggs will curdle and your lemon curd will be gritty with small egg particles. It will still be tasty, but the texture won't be there!

Lemon or Lime Curd

4 teaspoons grated lemon or lime peel
2/3 cup lemon or lime juice
5 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup (1/4 lb.) butter or margarine, melted

Prepare and sterilize three 1/2-pint canning jars.

Combine lemon peel, lemon juice, eggs, and sugar in a blender; whirl until well blended. With blender on lowest speed, gradually add butter in a thin stream. Transfer mixture to a small, heavy pan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is thick enough to mound slightly when dropped from a spoon (6 to 8 minutes).

Fill prepared, hot jars with lemon curd to 1/8 inch of rims. Wipe rims clean; top with hot lids, then firmly screw on rings.

Process jars of lemon curd in BWB for 10 minutes. Store in a cool place for up to 1 year. Makes 3 cups.

Lisa's notes: I made several batches of this with Meyer lemons, and it is absolutely fabulous! I wish I would have kept more of it for myself. The only thing is I didn't get the yield it states, not quite 3 cups from each batch.

And here is the REC: Cranberry Citrus Marmalade

Unfortunately, it uses fresh cranberries. I always buy a few extra bags of them during the season, as they freeze very well.

This was from Olga D. (Ont):

Cranberry Citrus Marmalade

1 grapefruit
1 orange
2 1/2 cups water
3 cups fresh cranberries
one 1 3/4-ounce package powdered fruit pectin
6 1/2 cups sugar

Remove peel from 1 grapefruit and 1 orange; scrape excess white membrane from peel. Cut peel into thin strips. In large kettle, combine peel and 2 1/2 cups water; cook, covered, over low heat till tender, 20 minutes.

Section grapefruit and orange; chop fruit. Add with 3 cups fresh cranberries to peel; simmer 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

Stir in one 1 3/4-ounce package powdered fruit pectin. Bring to boil; stir in 6 1/2 cups sugar. Bring to full rolling boil; boil hard 1 minute stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim foam.

Let stand 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Ladle into hot sterilized glasses. Seal. Makes 4 pints.
