I'm spending just over a month in the Pacific Northwest. Anyone in the Portland Oregon

Meet at Mothers! And this is where I become the Poster Child for Portland car rentals.


Okay, "caps off"...I can talk normal now. Our two week trip included flying into the airport, renting a car, driving into downtown and spending 3 days there, then out to Astoria, down the coast and back up through the wine country, spend the night in Portland, back to airport, turn in the car.

Monetarily flawed plan. Portland has a rapid transit from the airport right into downtown. Downtown has free transport within a 2-mile radius and then lots of good public transportation outside the city.

So we rented the car at the airport and then paid the hotel to store it for 3 days...that's four wasted days of rental fees plus the hotel car parking fee plus we liked the city so much we came back early and turned the car in, but paid a penalty because it was outside the rental agreement.

DON'T BE US.f We could have just rented a car on the way OUT of town and saved lots of money.

Have a great time! If I can figure where I stuck them, I'll send you the link for photos I took during our trip.

Being picked up at the airport and renting the car in Astoria where I've rented a house.

Can almost taste the fried cheese curds and craft beer already!

Is this the nephew who worked in NYC? What prompted the move? And where is he working? Remote spot

for someone with his talent.

His girlfriend was going for her master's degree in Portland. Moved out there, got married,

got married, bought a home and this past August had a baby girl. The owner's of Street 14 Cafe wanted to expand to dinners and hired him as chef. Built a new kitchen etc that just opened for dinner. They're doing farm to table little meat and lots of seafood and veg.

I'm posting the link to his first menu. I hope it's ok to post a facebook link.


Beautiful. I love that town. It has an interesting vibe and great people. I hope to go back soon.
