I'm sporting a spanking brand new left knee so there are challenges for cooking.


Well-known member
Ian has been terrific and has attempted and succeeded in making several dishes. His prime rib was superb! To help out I sit on a stool at the stove and do what I can. Or, I offer suggestions and support from afar.

Had the operation on April 19 and I have graduated from using a walker to just a cane. One step at a time.

Good luck with the new knees ladies...I have been told that following your Physical

Therapists instructions and exercise is the key to success with the knees.

I am just a year after the first part of my knee operation and I am so happy to be back to myself.

My advice - take those painkillers as frequently as you need them and do above and beyond with
therepy and exercises. You won't become adicted
but you will do more if you are pain free.

And yes, don't overdue. Easy roast chickens that you just pop in the oven. Even roasts and steaks
that don't need prep time. The standing is not good while walking is excellent.

Best of luck


Thanks Elaine. Keeping ahead of the pain is necessary, I'm finding out.

Glad your surgery worked out for you.

DH has been wonderful and has taken over most of the cooking. I can help out where necessary by either sitting by the counter or stove.

Friends have been terrific as well and have been dropping by with the best"Meals on Wheels" in Ottawa.

Speedy recovery Sylvia!

Knees are so tricky, make sure you do all your physio as required, otherwise scar tissue can be a b**tch!
