In honor of Julia Child's 100th birthday - What is your favorite Julia recipe and/or story/etc?

The episode where she had the chickens lined up on the counter and explained

what was what. Just makes me smile. Happy birthday, Julia!

When she takes the pan and flips the crepe over her shoulder...

onto the floor after it is a disaster and says, unapologetically, you have to throw the first one away anyway!

Some favorite quotes...

“If you're afraid of butter, use cream.”
― Julia Child

"A house without a cat is like a day without sunshine, a pie without fromage, a dinner without wine." ― Julia Child

“I think every woman should have a blowtorch.”
― Julia Child

“The best way to execute French cooking is to get good and loaded and whack the hell out of a chicken. Bon appétit.”
― Julia Child

“This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook- try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun!”
― Julia Child, My Life in France

The butter and cream quote is proudly displayed on the wall of our kitchen, also.."have the...

courage of your convictions! when she is flipping the omelette.

"You must BEAT your egg yolks. Think of them as terrible little people who must be BEATen and BEATen

to make them DO what you want them to DO.

here is my favorite....

I remember when the "former master" (my ex husband) watched the Julia episode where she boned a whole turkey, stuffed it and re-assembeled and roasted it. He was fascinated and tried it and it was perfect. This was just remembering it from the TV show. No reruns in those days, no books. We had taken a plunge and invited dinner guests for this meal and everyone was awestruck. Never before had they seen such a thing. Boy, that was a time ago!

Her 80th birthday bash (a fundraiser) was picketed by PETA members carrying signs that said

"Animals Beware! Julia's Hungry."

She had a good laugh and then said to the press "I'm a card-carrying carnivore. I have to keep up my strength!"

If only current debates could be so witty!

Another time she was asked for her secret to longevity and she said "Steak and Gin."

My youngest sister is a huge fan. She was the last one of us to be in the home "nest" and she

and my Mom would watch Julia's shows on PBS, and they would laugh and laugh. It's one of her most precious memories with my Mom. When she came up to visit last summer, we were having dinner at my friend's house and she has a sign above her sink with the Julia quote "Above all have a good time". when my sister saw that quote she immediately broke out in tears. the memories with my Mom just flooded over her. It was that powerful.
