In the Beginning, there was Order.



...but then a foolish mistake was made after a sleepless night and the frantic creation of a GBH.

Measuring cups were lost. Panic ensued. Chaos reigned.

Apprised of The Situation, the Gods discussed the dilemma over a feisty Barolo and warm gougeres. A message was sent From On Internet, shining its Light upon Ebay and the Everlasting BUY NOW button.

At last, the Earth stopped wobbling and a soupcon of Stability was introduced.

Then a Guardian Angel, clad in Heavenly white apron and 6" spiked Christian Louboutin's sent forth Upon the Land a Padded Envelope.

Praise All-Clad to the Highest. Let Peace & Harmony spread Good Will throughout Thy Condiments. Order has once again been Restored.


ROTFL!!!! OMG!!! How clever and witty you are, thank you smileys/smile.gif

I have had a particularly tought morning at work with a co-worker who is not at all well. This made me smile, thank you so much.

Jiminy Christmas! I keep all of my measuring cups crammed. . .

in a drawer. I am always picking up new cheapazoid sets and adding to the jumble!

Those of us who know you, bow and give homage smileys/smile.gif The planets are in alignment once more...
