Info regarding Yeast Cakes


Well-known member
Just found out a local market is selling yeast cakes. I've always used the slow rise/sponge methods for my breads using the little jars of yeast.

I've always wanted to play with fresh yeast, but now that it is available I'm wondering if it's worth spending the money. Is the end result worth it?

Oh please tell me where this is?

it took me forever to get used to dried yeast when I moved here, but people looked at me funny when I asked for fresh yeast cakes. I don't know whether it's worth the money, but I remember the results as better than I am getting now with dried yeast, especially with cinnamon buns, but the flour and everything else is different here too, so it may not be the yeast. It may also be my overactive imagination - pretty much the only thing I'm homesick for is the food (and the lack of hurricanes).

most chain grocery stores carry the yeast cakes in the refrig section, by the butter or the rolls

or the eggs. If you have an hispanic market or other ethnic market, they most likely will carry it as well.

Not here in Orlando, unfortunately,

though I could get it occasionally in Minnesota. I haven't asked at the ethnic stores, though I shop there regularly - thanks for the suggestion, I'll try that.

Lana, have you tried using bottled water? I baked bread quite a lot before I moved to

Florida, Ft. Lauderdale area. Then I started having problems. I found that using bottled water helped, there may be something in the water in that area or maybe it was just me, but it's worth a try. It also helps to weigh your flour as the measurement can vary so much with the humidity.

another thought, print out the page from fleishman's yeast site with cake yeast info and take that

to the grocery store, like Safeway or Winn Dixie or whatever the big stores are by you. They often take requests, and this is not such an odd or hard to acquire item. I bet they could stock it for their customers. On the fleishman's site, it mentioned that many commercial bakeries use the cake yeast, so maybe a local bakery might sell you some.
