Inquiring minds want to know... Anyone Jammin?


Well-known member
We are simple with the raspberry jam and multi berry jam. Tastes great w/ FIL hungarian pancakes. I am venturing into jalapeno jam this week. (Thanks again Judy!)

I am a novice jammer and have an overflow of produce from my CSA box

I was thinking of doing a plum/fig combo, has anyone played with this flavor combination?

I think it would be nice, perhaps with a touch of vanilla or something...

to me fig jam tastes like strawberry jam, but it always comes out very thick. . .

and plum is always good--I think the combo should be tasty. The plum should help to "un-thicken" the figs!

I always make strawberry freezer jam, because my hubby's mom used to make it

and she told me how she did hers. I follow the instructions for the freezer jam but keep the berries chunky. It is so fabulous that way.

I've made 5 kinds of fig jam this year along with some oldies but goodies. So far I'm looking

at jars of White Fig Jam, White Fig with Candied Lemon Peel and Ginger, White Fig & Grapefruit, White Fig, Cognac and Vanilla, Cardamom Fig, Black Fig, Orange & Rosemary, Apricot Jam, White Peach Jam, Olallieberry Jam, Strawberry-Rhubarb, Apple Butter, Mulberry jelly, Raspberry-Blueberry Jam and Guava-Passion Fruit. The summer's still not over but fortunately, the figs are winding down.

With some mentoring from Steve2inLA, this is my second year Jammin'

I made Strawberry, Strawberry-Raspberry and Vanilla Almond Raspberry, but my friends gave the best reviews for the Blueberry infused with some Ginger.

I've made a few jars: black raspberry, red rapsberry, blackberry lemon....

yellow plum cardamom, yellow plum lavendar, and mixed berry. I am pretty sure I will get enough figs off the tree to make at least one batch of jam. (The tree is loaded and I get about 6-8 ripe ones a day.) And, I am hoping to find a good crab apple tree to make some jelly......
I just love jars of beautiful jam on my pantry shelves!

Yellow Plum-Caradamom is an all time favorite of mine. Used to make alot of it before the termites

ate our tree. Miss them durned plums. Not so much the termites, though. Nice thing about figs is you can make "small batches" with as little as a pound or two. Just adjust your sugar accordingly. I've made some batches that were only 2 or 3 jars. Happy to share tips if you need them.

Actually, happy to swap. PM me if you're interested.

Oh...and I can vouch for how delicious Barbara's preserves are!

We were so fortunate to share a meal with Barbara and her husband, Mike, this summer when a business trip took us to D.C. And Barbara was so generous and gave me two jars of her out-of-this-world-deliciousness homemade preserves and a jar of local honey. Wow - did I ever hit the jackpot. (((Thank you Barbara!!).
