Interested in a tiny blowtorch?

Uh Steve, are you inferring that we must not only crisp our cr

but blow it off the table and then call Geico?

oh goodie, I got a question about those. I have the "hardware" version

and it kept going out when I tried to brûlée my brûlée.

It seemed as if tipping it downward blew out the flame after about 2 seconds. And I'm not exaggerating that time frame. Very annoying. I finally gave up and settled for minor brûlée-osity.

Was I doing something wrong?

Okay, upon reflection, obviously I was doing something wrong or I wouldn't be writing this post right now, would I. So the question is, what was it?

I know what you mean. There seems to be a balance point where you achieve maximum heat (blue flame)

without it going out. I use a "no frills" torch so there's only a knob to adjust the flame.

I keep a long fireplace igniter at hand and relight when I lose flame however, if you play with the amount of gas released/length of flame (about 2" but short as possible) and distance from the food, you'll quickly discover the most effective combination of gas pressure and position.

After that, it's a no brainer.

Yeah, they were great until I bumped a post and had to fix a dent.

Perfect driving record for 25 years. Been with them for eight. They still raised my rates for the next three years....You just can't be perfect enough. The almost $8000 premiums net of the $1500 payout must not have been enough for them.

I'm with you on that Steve. Can't cook without my hardware blowtorch...

it's the only way to roast peppers. Quick, efficient, and easy, plus you can get laser like precision for those indented nooks and crannies that conventional roasting never get to (and thus are hard to peel).

Last night I watched Baking With Julia with a very young Gale Gand and she made fabulous lemon tarts

using filo dough triangles and stacking them with lemon curd and brown sugar meringue, which she simply piped on each layer and torched---so elegant but quite simple once all the components were done. Julia was fascinated with the blowtorch method. Fun episode. It was on Create, so they cut up and squeezed the 1 hour into a half hour, but it was the only thing worth watching last night.
