Interesting add to a get well basket

I put most of these in tea or hot water. Much better than my FIL's method, snorting this stuff!

My favorite part of the Francovka description: "Alcohol-based tincture of natural essential oils and *some* of their substances (menthol, linalool, nerol, etc.), but also *some other* aromatic extracts." (Emphasis mine.) Never you mind exactly which essential oils and substances, or which aromatic extracts. That's for us to know and you to find out!

But really, yes, he would snort this stuff when he had a cold...

Before I read thi I made tea with honey and cayenne for a sore throat and cough

but this is great. My 23 year old niece has moved in with us - she teached CI kindergarten, and is always sick - will definitely make some up for her. Thank so much!
