Interesting article about recipe websites. I wonder if Epi's loss of traffic is due to economy or

Condinaste? What to think about Condinaste...

Look at their mags at this site:

They have upscale magazines who market to the upper-class income bracket.

I bet their mag subscriptions are way down too.

I believe Epi is a hard site to navigate.

I know they used the chat and Gail's for hit counts to sell advertising. I know they didn't care about abuse on their site.

The average person is not going to get all involved in the community, so I don't believe the way they treated their regular foodies is a reason for the decrease in site visits.

On a personal level:
I believe Epi is a hard site to navigate. I found the chat 14 of 15 years ago, and I loved it right away because we could post pics on the chat messages. Those were taken away for the same reason I left, abuse. Gail's was great, for the archives, but again, the abuse also continued there. We contacted Condinaste and pratically begged them, we offered to fly to their corporate headquarters for a meeting. They put in a registrationf for some parts of their site, but not the chat or swap. I had left by the time they cut the chat down to an 1rq level, I guess they had quit needing the chat for hit counts to their advertisers.

How true. Conde Naste never understood how diverting one or two paid staffers to moderate...

...the Swap and somehow provide some accountability to other parts of their site would result in much, much more activity.

I don't know how much it would've mattered after the format changed in '05. The Swap was no longer user friendly and functional. It ceased to exist, as we knew it.

The fact that a certain individual known to cause disruption flourishes there unabated, even after being banned, is proof that no one "gets it" over there.


Michael you are so correct,

The one person was the worst, but unlike here, (which I found because I asked where Richard in Cincy was) both the swap and the chat allowed gossip. As in here you have to register, have a password, and agree to a policy. Guess what? that's an amazingly simple proceedure many sites offer and it STOPS GOSSIP. Gossip tears any community apart and rips it to shreds...I recently was invited to join a large biker community by a biker friend of mine, who is a really great person. It took me 2 months to decide to join because of my Epi experience. I did because of my job at the magazine, and it has proved benefitial, but I wrote 2 blogs immediately because of my Epi experience. One is called "Calling All Toilet And Civil Engineers-S??t Has Literally Morphed Into Gossip" and the other is called "Liars are Insane" BOTH because of condinaste.
