Copied from Amy Sherman's blog:
The oldest living tea tree is 2700 years old
The Japanese tea ceremony dates back to the 16th century
All tea comes from the same plant, camellia sinensis
Tea was first sold in England in 1657
Most tea leaves are picked by women, in part because of the manual dexterity required
It took 40 years for the Indian tea production to become truly high quality
1/4 of the world's tea comes from China
1/4 of the world's tea comes from India
95% of tea produced in India, is consumed in India and not exported
There are 3,000 tea estates in India
Tea is more likely to be hand rolled in China than processed by machine
Pu-erh tea supposedly can lower cholesterol and is gaining in popularity in France
Green tea is very popular in Germany
Like chocolate and wine, tea is produced rather than just grown
The most modern tea production methods are found in Japan
Some pu-erh tea can be brewed as dark as coffee
The oldest living tea tree is 2700 years old
The Japanese tea ceremony dates back to the 16th century
All tea comes from the same plant, camellia sinensis
Tea was first sold in England in 1657
Most tea leaves are picked by women, in part because of the manual dexterity required
It took 40 years for the Indian tea production to become truly high quality
1/4 of the world's tea comes from China
1/4 of the world's tea comes from India
95% of tea produced in India, is consumed in India and not exported
There are 3,000 tea estates in India
Tea is more likely to be hand rolled in China than processed by machine
Pu-erh tea supposedly can lower cholesterol and is gaining in popularity in France
Green tea is very popular in Germany
Like chocolate and wine, tea is produced rather than just grown
The most modern tea production methods are found in Japan
Some pu-erh tea can be brewed as dark as coffee