Interesting info for you low carbers


Well-known member
Prevention has a blurb about a British study done. For twelve weeks they assigned subjects either a 1500 calorie diet or allowed them to eat normally except for two days a week. On the two days they ate no starchy carbs. Non-starchy vegetables were o.k. The intermittent low carbers lost almost twice as much weight as the 7 day a week low cal dieters.

Thanks Melissa. There are several books out now with the carb rotation

diet. Interesting concept. I guess since I take breaks now and then for special dinners I am doing that. I took off 5 weeks for the holidays, just decided I would eat every cookie, piece of candy, pastry, cake, and homemade bread that came my way. Funny thing, I didn't eat very much of it because I just didn't want it. I only gained 4 lbs. and had that off in a couple days.
