Brings back memories of outdoor cooking after a hurricane
When we had a category 5 hurricane sit on the island for 7 hours the whole island was devastated. Our house was damaged but still standing and thank heavens no flooding in our street.
We had a gas grill. I knew I could cook and bake most anything on it so the call to the 13 neighbors every night was- bring whatever food you have, a plate, a fork and a flashlight and I will do the rest. We became a family. I baked bread and pizzas, I made stews, lots of rice, pasta, jazzed up canned stuff, anything that came our way was dinner that night. No electricity for 8 weeks, no water for 8 days but we managed to find enough for everyone and everyone contributed. As we started to clean up the horrendous damage we all stayed together and to this day, 25 years later, we are still close. A hurricane is the worst of times but also can be the best of times. And, by the way, FEMA was wonderful. Our hurricane was 3 wks after Andrew so the FEMA teams were organized and came quickly.