Intolerant people. Those who say they can't consume types of foods, are about to get the

Marg CDN

Well-known member
boot from me unless they are serious about it. My friend invited me to dinner with a new couple, one of whom reported to be lactose-intolerant. I have friends who really are and who limit their intake.

I turned myself inside out to use peaches in a dessert that did not involve milk or butter. It was tough but an inspiration came to me right off my pillow that morning.

My friend promptly forgot and put loads of milk AND butter in the potatoes. The guest declared this to be just fine as he was "just becoming" intolerant. Had I known him better I would have smacked him.

I have other friends who announce, after the search anguish I go through, that it's okay if it's cooked.

Don't pills do anything to help? Isn't there a guide book that people can issue to define their levels of intolerance?

I really am thinking of just ignoring this in the future, unless I absolutely know that these folks really do have food problems.

Just grumbling.


Amen sister. I've eliminated one such *I'll die if I eat gluten* associate after

watching her eat a production line muffin from the airport. And yes, I checked the label and it was a good old American muffin with absolutely no nutritional value (definitely not gluten-free, etc) and contained the following:

Gluten (Spawn of flour)

This is the same person who for 40 years has put all of her acquaintances under food alert for meals at home or in restaurants. She claims to have celiac disease, but refuses to be tested to confirm her self-diagnosis.

Thirty years ago she started by eliminating red meat, moved on to chicken, then fish, then switched out from vegetarian to vegan, then eliminated soy, then removed peanuts, refuses caffeine, honey and won't sit on leather or wear it. Add the celiac "I will DIE if a single bit of gluten gets in my food" constraint. You could actually hear the capital letters. Try cooking a meal around those restraints. It's hard, but doable. Now check out that list of muffin ingredients again...


Yet she ate that muffin along with several heaping tablespoons (and I mean she used a serving spoon) of my Dyslexic Sauce (which has absolutely nothing healthy in it--I know this!!) to no ill- or after-effects.

When I called her attention, she said she didn't have time to pack any food and she was hungry.


Well, there was one after-effect to that event: I no longer put up with her controlling regime. I've refused all recent suggestions to get together for a meal. I hope that muffin was worth it.

I have a friend who is lactose intolerant, and in a big way. He and his wife team up...

...and always ask me if the dish I bring to our weekly fellowship meeting has any dairy. I tell them what's in the dish, and he pops some digestive enzymes and dives right in!

Not nearly as troublesome as your situation, and light years away from Marilyn's kooky friend!

Works for us, and his wife truly appreciates his diligence!


We once ate with her at a buffet restaurant that had all the raw food lined up.

...each person received a bowl to add raw veggies and meat and select a sauce to be handed over to chefs who cooked it on a flat cast iron surface. It wasn't oriental...the folks were all Russian and the food was quite eclectic, but it was the hibachi idea. Our visiting guest insisted that she speak to the chef personally and that the chef had to scrub the cast iron skillet completely before allowing her food to touch it.

They complied because they were probably afraid of her dying in the dining room and ruining their business....because, remember, "I will DIE if a single bit of gluten gets in my food."

And that's only ONE instance of a 40-year control issue. Now you can understand my shock watching her eat that muffin.

Umm, I'm a guilty person when it comes to soy...

I bring my own food if it means a host would need to cook something special. Normally, my friends are pretty basic people and we eat chicken and hamburgers. I just skip mayonnaise (mostly made with soybean oil), don't eat edamame, and find other things that are ok. My friends know that I prefer to not eat at Japanese restaurants. I do email restaurants ahead of time to ask what is safe. It's too awkward to hold up a server and ask him/her to please ask the chef if soy is in this sauce!
Others in my family can't handle peanuts, tomatoes, or peppers. We tell each other if they should skip the appetizer or whatever. Usually, there is so much food at our get-togethers that the "allergee" will not go hungry.
I can handle trace amounts. My doctor said, "You have a food sensitivity, not an allergy. It won't kill you but will make you wish you were dead." Not pleasant!

Sounds like Mongolian barbecue,

still quite popular here in the Detroit area. One time was enough for Dh and I.

Many years ago, I remember my father talking about a meal he and my mother ate in Mongolia, describing the "buffet" just like you did. They loved it. And he thought it was a great idea that others would also love. Several years later bd's Mongolian Grill opened here in Michigan and my parents couldn't wait to visit. Colleen

Sounds like she's certifiably mental.

I've encountered people who are so obsessed with what they eat and what they feed their kids that the KIDS end up in psychiatric care. No exaggeration!

It is scary to watch, but you really can't say much to these folks. It usually falls on deaf ears.


Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying there's no basis for their concern, but...

...balance, wisdom and courtesy to those around you will go a long way toward keeping all lives peaceful.

I am diabetic and am having excellent success on the Keto diet. My food regimen is strictly controlled, but I NEVER make it someone else's problem! It is my choice, so it is my responsibility to take care of it.



The bottom line is, simplicity! You have a food issue, take care of it!

don't like or won't like what is being served, bring your own dish.
Tired of it all,so stressful trying to plan meals around non meat eaters, will only eat red sauce on pasta, or only butter and cheese on pasta, or no egg yolks, or....!
It is extremely stressful to have come from a family who simply ate and enjoyed their food. Now, there are so many issues, some real and many self-imposed. Still, take care of it yourself and let your host do their thing. I know a lady who did just this, always came with her own dish, and quietly asked about a food or foods she was interested in. Everyone loved her and she was always invited to functions.

Yes, you just reminded me that as a diabetic, my husband never ever imposed his needs on other cooks

If he ran into a problem, he usually had a bottle of insulin hanging around with him.

Glad you mentioned that. I had never connected the two and certainly diabetes is a serious and undeniable condition.

I have a friend who does not eat ANY dairy, (I love the French-style of cooking), NO eggs, NO gluten, is allergic to cats, dogs and air. What can you make that doesn't enjoy the addition of cream and eggs?

It just became punishing for me to have her over and now that I think about it, I don't include her in eating bonanzas. And what else is there for old single women?!

My dog is so smart. She has a nose that tells her when the food offered is safe and to her liking.

She loves popcorn, but it has to be plain. If I dare to put the slightest seasoning on it, she looks at me as if to say, "really, you expect me to eat THAT"? Now, I take out a few kernels for her before adding the seasoning. Yet, if she smells the seasoning on my hand, she refuses. Oh, to have a nose like a dog, it would make it so much easier on those humans who have REAL food issues, to just take a sniff and know!

Bravo! We had a wedding here last weekend. One of the gals helping made pulled pork.

this conversation came up and she told us her college age daughter is now vegan and won’t even wash dishes that animal products were served on. Yes, she was here. No no no did I serve anything special. She ate the non organic veggie plate and cole slaw and didn’t die. She also did not help with cleanup. Yay her. Good luck.
