IOS Melissa Dallas

I can hardly wait. I'm bringing zip loc bags so I can split some stuff with you.

I couldn't talk myself into a huge bag of za'atar the other day, even if it was just $3 something because I would never come close to using it.

good idea

I need Aleppo pepper. I may still go to Penzy's as I am getting low on juniper berries.

I also want to buy rennet and maybe the culture for fromage blanc. Does the Mozzarella Company have a retail store? It looks as if they only sell kits online and I don't want a kit. Did you get info on buying supplies at the class you took? Have you made mozzarella at home yet? I took a class recently and need supplies.

They're only open until 6pm.

I'm not sure what time you get off, or what time the other places close, but maybe we should go here first.

Everything looks great!

I could happily go to any and all so let's start with your favorites. Name the time and place to meet and I will be there.

Am SO looking forward to this trip. If I do any shopping on Sunday I will not buy spices.
