Is anybody having trouble with private messaging? Trying to contact AngAK1

PMs are spotty, MCM. Perhaps you can reach out to her through

the email address she has listed inside her posts?

Should add that I can get PM's to go through most times if I do short info in

the subject line only. And not include any information at all in the body of the private message.
For instance, sometimes I just put in the subject line something like:
Pls email me at ________.

That method seems to go through most times.

try this

don't include any apostrophes or quotation marks in either the subject or body. That is the known problem that affects the private messaging. You may be surprised at how often you use either but as far as I know, there is no other issue that would prevent you from using Private Messaging.

Good to know, thanks a lot Paul.

I don't usually use quotation marks or apostrophes but I'll be especially mindful of it in future PMs. Thank you.
