Is anyone else out there OCD about making your grocery lists?


Well-known member
I have a first draft, then a second, and sometimes a third. First all the things I need, then categorized by location in the store, and finally all the stores I need to go to. I recognized that yesterday when I was making out my shopping list for my menu plan and there was a little pile of discarded lists sitting on the table in next to me. Please say yes. : )

I don't think OCD, just a case of necessity. So, I keep a small legal pad and a pen

on the same magazine holder which I use for all the new recipes I want to try. It is right on the counter behind a large chopping board. Both of us write down what we use up, or need for making a new recipe. I usually have a Trader Joe's list, Farmer's Market, and regular grocery store, but all on the same page.

When company is coming, I plan meals ahead of time on one page, then on the back of that page, I make a grocery list and keep it with all the recipes I am going to use. That's it!

I'm not that organized, but we painted the small kitchen pantry door with chalkboard paint

and I keep a running list of these categories:


That way if I have, say chicken and fresh basil in the frig, I can plan a dinner around that. Or I might see a steak in the freezer that I completely forgot about...bring that out at 5:30 AM before I leave for dinner. TO BUY items are added as I use them up. Even Larry remembers to add to this list.

However, NONE of this keeps me from overbuying at the store. THIS PLACE is what causes me to OVERBUY.

I currently have a package of bacon, two Vidalia onions and Sirrachi sauce awaiting Nirvana. I have a few more fresh beets, but no yogurt for more beet dip. I found that Korean chile sauce and organic chicken legs (couldn't find wings) awaiting Traca's wing recipe.

I have a Love/Hate relationship with this site.
(link is my door with a Thanksgiving dinner time schedule)

LOL, most foodie sites cause me to overbuy....but I don't care

I love being introduced to unusual products like Grains of Paradise (which I am loving) and Korean Red Pepper Paste (which should be here any day now) plus so many other great things I have tried and loved. Not to mention great recipes and food combinations I would never have thought of like beets with feta, watermelon with feta and mint....and so much more!

I make a menu plan for the week on Mastercook

Then it sets up a shopping list. I then transfer that to a grocery app on my iphone. The grocery app is organized by aisles for my wegmans store. I guess that's pretty OCD

Publix has made my shopping really easy. They have a "my shopping

list" on their webpage and each week I go to it and look thru the sales for the week. I can just click on the items that I want and it goes on the list by aisle for the store I use. Then I can just add any other items that I need and they are also put by aisle. Print, and away I go. Any other store I have write items down and then look for them in the store. Much faster shopping at Publix. Now, if I'm having a dinner party or party...much planning goes into that. A few years ago we had a seafood boil and I knew John was going to be doing a lot of it so I wrote down the exact time that each item goes into the pot by how long each one would need. Potatoes, corn, artichokes, crabs, shrimp etc. so that everything would be cooked correctly. It went beautifully and well worth the effort doing. That was a really fun party. We had Cajun music and newspaper covered the table. I collect napkin rings and have these incredible big, colorful wooden lobsters and shrimp that I used with polka dot bandana napkins. Really looked like fun and everyone had a great time.

Im there, too. Always a pad in the kitchen for ongoing. Then on it a separate list

for really good sale items at particular stores, and usually I do a final before I venture out.

I'm great a making lists and then leaving them at home. However, once a list is written I can

usually remember what's on it.

I am amazed at the responses....

No, I guess I am not OCD at all. I have one list of "things to do" for the weekend, which is a loose sheet of paper with some printout in one side forgotten in the lab or office - I fold it in half to hide the printed side,. one half of the sheet takes my things to do, the other takes the grocery list

I am a creature of habit, though, have been doing this for a decade, it is simple, efficient, quick and painless

I check things out as I do them, and a good weekend is one in which it all gets crossed. Usually never happens, I am thrilled if I have only one or two things left undone

Me too, and me too. If I write it, and remember the # of items, I can remember them all. I do

stand around in the store looking like a ditz for a few moments but store personnel seem to recognize people trying to visualize their forgotten lists and treat them with patience.

I am trying to use my iphone notes feature more, but I dislike all the typing(not a texter either)

so I usually give up and just write a list. but the phone would most likely be with me in the store. maybe.

Have you tried Evernote? As I understand it, it lives on the cloud so you can synch all your devices

So, make your shopping list on your iPad or computer/then use it on your phone.
