Is it a problem that I bought 16 pounds of butter last weekend?


Well-known member
Butter was on sale at Shop-Rite last week.... So I thought I would stock up. So - now a whole shelf of the freezer is just butter...

Paula Deen would be sooooo proud.


I always 10+ more pounds of butter in my second freezer

that were purchased on sale. One can just never have too much butter!

It's only a problem if you name it and introduce it to your relatives. Otherwise, it's simply a

delicious dairy spread.

Who told you about my butter pets?! I swear my relatives know nothing about them.

That is so funny . . . just last night . . .

I said to the store manager that I loved when butter is on sale because I can stock up (bought 6 pounds this week). But I asked if he could do something about bananas. I can't stockpile bananas. (They were on sale for $0.39/lb this week down from $0.89/lb last week.)

you sure can, peel and freeze; use for baking, frozen daquiries, and banana

shakes - my fav 2/3 glass low fat milk a drop or two of vanilla ess and whizz 2 bananas till thick and foamy...just scrummy. Freeze in one layer in zip-locks.

I had no idea that one can freeze butter. What a great idea! I always run out of butter

at the worst possible moment - usually right in the middle of baking something. If I had a stack in my freezer, my problem would be solved.

Do you buy whatever butter is on sale?

I seem to be a bit of a butter snob. I prefer Land O Lakes unsalted butter. But at $4.39/pound, it's pretty expensive. It seems as if the store brand and the Costco butter have more water or something in them. Whenever I try to melt either of those in the microwave, the butter explodes all over the inside of my microwave before it is melted. Or is it all in my head?
